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Hypothesis testing using t-test

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A purchasing manager for a large university is investigating which brand of LCD projector to purchase to equip "smart" classrooms. Of major concern is the longevity of the light bulbs used in the projectors. The purchasing manager has narrowed down the choice of projector to two brands, Infocus and Proxima, and wishes to determine if there is any difference between the two brands in the mean lifetime of the bulbs used.
The purchasing manager obtained fourteen projectors of each brand for testing over the last several academic terms. The number of hours the bulbs lasted on each of the fourteen machines is given in the table.

837, 774, 1113, 956, 1165, 583, 1087, 1045, 985, 886, 899, 827, 777, 840

917, 680, 927, 980, 776, 958, 857, 1008, 735, 981, 835, 419, 737, 950

Assume that the two populations of lifetimes are normally distributed and that the population variances are equal. Can we conclude, at the 0.05 level of significance, that there is a difference in the mean lifetime of the light bulbs in the two brands?
Perform a two-tailed test. Then fill in the table below.


Null hypothesis: H0:______

Alternative hypothesis: H1:______

Type of test statistic: (Z, t, Chi squared, F)

Value of test statistic:______


Can we conclude that there is a difference in the mean lifetimes of the light bulbs in the two brands?: (Yes/No)

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Solution Summary

This posting provide example of how to conduct hypothesis testing using t-test

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