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Hypothesis Testing

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The director of human resources at a large firm is comparing the distance traveled to work by employees in their office in downtown Atlanta with the distance for those in the downtown Jacksonville office. A sample of 21 Atlanta employees showed they travel a mean of 452 miles per month, with a sample standard deviation of 39 miles. A sample of 18 Jacksonville employees showed they travel a mean of 399 miles per month, with a sample standard deviation of 33 miles. At the 0.05 level of significance is there a difference in the mean number of miles traveled between the two groups?

A marketing firm recently studied the number of times men and women who live alone that buy takeout dinners in a month. Two independent samples were taken one with 50 men and 55 women. The mean is 34.51 for men with a standard deviation of 3.48 and a mean of 29.44 with a standard deviation of 2.86. Conduct a two tailed hypothesis test at a significance level of .05 to see if the two means are different.

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