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Calculation of Z-Statistic

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The purpose of Team C's research is to determine why men receive higher salaries than women. Before researching the topic, team c will verify that women do indeed make less than men. According to the wages data set, women consist of only 3 of the top 25 salaries out of 100 samples. The mean women's salary is $24,452 with a standard deviation of $12,446, and the mean for the men's salary is $36,493 with a standard deviation of $18,448. Our hypothesis is that men receive higher salaries than women. This hypothesis can be stated numerically as follows:
One-tailed (right-tailed)
H0: µ ≤ $24,452
H1: µ > $24,452
(Can you please tell me how to perform the Z Statistics Calculations
z = .x - μ0 =

Z equals x bar minus MuO divided by sigma divided by the square root of he sample size)

I think that Z= 24,452 - the hypothesized mean (μ0) divided by 12,446 (S.D.) divided by the square root of 100 (Sample Size). I just need you to fill in the hypothesized mean and perform the calculations.

I would really appreciate it.

Thank you

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Solution Summary

The solution shows step-by-step calculation of the z-statistic from the given data.

Solution provided by:
  • MSc, Osmania University
  • MSc, Indian Institute of Technology - Roorkee (I.I.T.-ROORKEE)
  • BSc, Banaras Hindu University
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