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Two Way ANOVA and Replication

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When running an analysis of variance (ANOVA): two-factor with replication (two-way test), you get a p-value for the interaction effect, indicating whether it is statistically significant. If it is significant, you should not try to interpret the main effects at all. Explain why this is the case, giving an example to illustrate your explanation.

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Two way ANOVA and replication for the factors are examined.

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Analysis of variance (ANOVA): two-factor with replication (two-way test).
When running an analysis of variance (ANOVA): two-factor with replication (two-way test), you get a p-value for the interaction effect, indicating whether it is statistically significant. If it is significant, you should not try to interpret the main effects at all. Explain why this is the case, giving an example to illustrate your explanation.

If the interaction effect is statistically significant in a two-factor, with replication ANOVA test that means that the effect of the row variable cannot be explained without also taking into consideration the level of the column variable, and the effect of the column variable can only be explained by taking into ...

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