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The Amish Culture

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Can you please help me get an understanding of the Amish culture? Identify the key characteristics of the Amish culture and why the Amish are called a "peculiar" people.

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This posting will give students insight into the Amish culture. The explanation is given in 513 words.

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It has been said that once you meet an Amish person, you will never forget them. The experience will be like none other. This is said because the Amish people speak, dress, and act differently from mainstream America. They are called "peculiar" by many who do not understand the Amish culture.
Where Did The Amish Come From?

The Amish church started in Switzerland, Donald B. Kraybill (2001), (ps.7-8).

They migrated to the United States mostly to three states: Indiana, Pennsylvania, and Ohio with a population close to 250,000 (Wenger & Langkamp 2011).

The Amish are bilingual. They speak both German and English with German being the dominant language. They are seen as fundamental ...

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