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Sociological Assumptions on the Perspectives of Adults

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Can you please help me find the the ontological assumptions, axiological assumptions, epistemological assumptions, and methodological assumptions of the attached study? It doesn't need to be too in-depth. I just need a better understanding.

Goldberg, A. E. (2007). (How) does it make a difference? Perspectives of adults with lesbian, gay, and bisexual parents. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 77(4), 550-562.

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This solution will guide the student to examine the ontological assumptions, axiological assumptions, epistemological assumptions, and methodological assumptions of a study on the perspectives of adults with lesbian, gay, and bisexual parents.

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I will focus my responses along a qualitative research paradigm. The article appears very objective in revealing the different scholarly perspectives that have been published on the topic.

1. Ontological Assumptions
Your frame of mind should be that you have a sense of what the reality is (or realities are). These realities are relative in that no reality is considered more "true" than any other.

- Some researchers, in general, are conducting their research being conditioned themselves under different cultural, social, and environmental experiences. Therefore anti-gay scholars may pose results to support their bias or prejudice.

Your thought process can flow as follows:
- What exists? (i.e. children of LGB parents)
- Who are the entities involved? (This would include the researched and the researcher)
- Is there a hierarchy being ...

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