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Humanism types

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What is the basic definition of Humanism? How would you define "Christian" Humanism?

Humanism defies any form of authoritarianism, why?

What are the positive uses of acceptable "authority" in religon and the exercise of "authoritarianism"?

What is the difference between being a humanist as opposed to being an atheist or agnostic?

What is the major mission of the Unitarian Universalists? Give reasons for supporting or not supporting this new movement.

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Generally speaking, "humanism is a philosophical, religious, and moral point of view." So said Paul Kurtz in the 1980 Preface to the "Humanist Manifestoes I and II." David Noebel in his book "Understanding the Times" summarized the traditional humanist philosophy by stating that it espouses the following:

For theology, atheism
For philosophy, naturalism
For ethics, ethical relativism
For biology, Darwinian evolution
For psychology, monistic self-actualization
For sociology, non-traditional world state ethical society
For law, positive law
For politics, world government
For economics, socialism, and
For history, historical evolution

Humanism defies any form of authoritarianism because humanism believes that the individual human soul is supreme (i.e. "god") and therefore, no other force or authority can exist higher than that.

You may see a slight contradiction between this viewpoint and humanism's belief in global government, but not so, for authoritarianism is a form of coercion or imposition, while global government is "supposedly" the result of a voluntary submission to what is believed to be the most logical way for men to rule themselves.

However, if we look at "authority" in general, there is no reason to reject it wholeheartedly so long as we understand its logical and ethical limitations. For example, according to the Bible, a wife should voluntarily submit herself to (and by that the Bible means, "acknowledge the headship of") her husband. That submission is not intended to function as a door mat, nor to justify abuse of any sort. But that submission is to function within the context of a loving authority. To "submit" means to place oneself under, not to be forced ...

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