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Vision in Communicaitons Disorders

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Eye contact is referred to as eye-to-face gaze. As a target of intervention for adolescents with acquired pragmatic communication disorders, including individuals with traumatic brain injury. There are other reasons to consider gaze in treatment. As a part of the five senses, vision is pertinent to the adolescent in regards to looking while listening and speaking. Describe what experiences that would take place, what these deficits would be, and how it would affect the individual's behavior.

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This solution describes experiences regarding deficits in vision, and how it affects individuals' behavior.

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A category for disorders in communication specified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR [APA], 2000) lists a category for, "Communication Disorders Not Otherwise Specified" (307.9) to describe communication disorders that do not meet the criteria for any specific Communication Disorder. Listed under this title are Pervasive Communication Disorders such as: Autistic Spectrum and Rett's Disorders. Among the diagnostic features is the "disturbance in the pragmatic (social use) of language [that] is often evidenced by an inability to integrate words with gestures or understand humor or non-literal aspects of speech such as irony or implied meaning" (p. 71). Also included is the diagnostic criteria for communication disorders such as Autism that shows it consists of "A marked impairment in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors such as eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression, body postures, and gestures to regulate social interaction" (Criterion A, p. 75).

Eye contact is ...

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