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Infant/Child Nutrition

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Describe the importance of nutrition during the infancy and toddler-hood period?

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The first two years of life are characterized by rapid physical and mental development. The adequacy of infants' nutrient intakes affects their interaction with their environment. Healthy, well-nourished infants have the energy to respond to and learn from the stimuli in their environment and to interact with their parents in a manner which encourages bonding and attachment.

Infancy is a period marked by the most rapid physical growth and development of a person's life. The energy required to support these processes is phenomenal. Infancy is divided into several stages, with physical growth, developmental achievements, nutrition needs, and feeding patterns varying significantly in each. The most rapid changes occur in early infancy, between birth and 6 months of age. In middle infancy, from 6 to 9 months, and late infancy, from 9 to 12
months, growth slows but is still rapid. In late infancy, infants' physical maturation, mastery of purposeful activity, and loss of newborn reflexes allow them to eat a wider variety of foods.

Nutritional support of early physical growth and development provides the foundation for a healthy, productive life.
Infants are born with the ability to digest and absorb nutrients from human milk or formula. The digestive system matures during infancy so that a wide variety of foods can be used by the end of the first year. Individual energy and nutrient needs reflect rapid growth demands for fuel, building materials, and basal metabolism. Infant feeding behavior follows a defined developmental sequence. Maturing oral structures and function determine developing infant eating skills and ...

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