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Tackling Oil Dependency anf Fuel Alternative

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Need guide to write a paper tackling alternative fuel options to lessen oil depency.

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The basis of solution is to explain the areas being researched to provide alternative methods for fueling automobiles. This report is actually sections of a larger report and does not include the actual citations. It is to give a general outline as to where research on Alternbative Fuel currently stands with alternative options. It leaves you with the option to come to your own conclusion without being influenced by the results of this specific report. The intentions are to put you on the right path as to where and what to look for in analyzing this issue. The leg work must be done by you, which again is why citations are not provided in this very shortened version to direct you into your own research.

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With an estimated 250 million vehicles on America's highways and 17 million more purchased every year, oil consumption rates have reached an all-time high. Dwindling world oil supplies and increases in world demand have pushed current oil prices to over $70 a barrel. These developments, along with increasing instability in major oil producing regions such as the Middle East, have prompted renewed interest in research and development of alternative energy technologies. Recognizing this urgency, President Bush announced his Alternative Energy Initiative (AEI) in his State of the Union address earlier this year. Currently, the transportation sector receives nearly all of its energy from petroleum products and accounts for two-thirds of U.S. petroleum use, mainly in the form of gasoline and diesel fuel.

The principal research of this report examines and analyzes alternative energy sources and makes predictions about which would be the most beneficial in reducing oil addiction in the United States. The report identifies the necessary involvement of federal agencies and the varying policies needed to produce the most viable technologies.

Finally, in consideration of the current situation and recently introduced legislation, this report investigates currently potentially viable energy alternatives for the transportation sector. It considers the economic and legislative implications of such options, forming a recommendation and implementation strategy for an effective fuel-efficient policy in the United States. Effecting of this policy will help extend the nation's approach to the reduction of oil dependency, as well as strengthen national security and improve America's environment.


According to the Annual Energy Outlook 2005 Report (AEO2005), trends in energy supply and demand "are linked with such unpredictable factors as the performance of the US economy overall, advances in technology related to energy production and consumption, annual changes in weather patterns and future public policy decisions." Also, strong growth in the worldwide demand for oil, especially in the increasing economies of China, India, and other developing countries, presents a driving force behind the sharp price increases experienced in the past three years.





Sunlight is converted into electricity through photovoltaic cells. Some energy may be stored or used to run the motor. It was not until the 1980's that solar technology was being sought after and produced. While research has increased exponentially, solar powered cars have numerous limitations. First, "only 1000W/m2 of energy reaches the earth's surface in an hour of 'peak sun'. Of this energy, average solar cells are only able to convert 12.5 percent to electricity... approximately the same amount of energy used to run a hairdryer." Cars run on about 700-1500 watts and therefore efficiency is critical of a solar powered car. "There are three primary areas of energy loss... aerodynamic drag, braking, and rolling resistance." Solar cars are made of lightweight dense material, and the wheels of the car resemble bicycle tires. Thus, their ...

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