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Congress, Foreign Relations Committee, and Impeachment issues

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1. If you had been elected to the United States House of Representatives
a. How long would your term in office be?
b. How much money would you make?
c. What would be the basic requirements to qualify?
d. What "immunities" would you have?

2. You have become chairperson of the Foreign Relations committee
a. What would be your basic powers as a chairperson?
b. How would you use them to prevent or stop discussion on an issue you do NOT want the committee to discuss?

3. Concerning Impeachment:
a. Who can be impeached by Congress and for what?
b. Where in Congress does Impeachment begin?
c. Where does it end?
d. What is the "sentence" should impeachment be successful?

4. What were the Articles of Impeachment (charges) voted out against President Nixon?

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Solution Summary

A discussion on representatives to Congress. Another discussion on chairmanship of Foreign Relations Committee in the Senate. Impeachment proceedings are discussed.

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Congress and Impeachment
1. If you had been elected to the United States House of Representatives
a. How long would your term in office be? 2 years

b. How much money would you make? $165,200
c. What would be the basic requirements to qualify? The representative must be 25 years old and a U.S. citizen for 7 years and a resident of the state in which they are elected.

d. What "immunities" would you have?
Freedom of speech in debate, cannot be arrested in civil ...

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