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International Affairs Policy - Iran

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Your outline should be presented as follows:
1. Statement of your topic, followed by a brief sentence or two describing the topic.
2. One sentence about the issue/problem you are discussing.
3. Beliefs, opinion, and details about your topic of which you are not yet sure of and
which will need to be confirmed. A good way to tackle this is to list the points of
view of some experts on your topic.
4. Facts that you can confirm.

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Solution Summary

The solution tackles the International Affairs policy Paper on Iran-USA relattrions by providing expert advice on how to go about searching ofr source and how to attack certain issue according to the enumerated outline in the orh#ginal post (see problem). References are also provided.

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"Your outline should be presented as follows:
1. Statement of your topic, followed by a brief sentence or two describing the topic.

The impact of Iran's development of nuclear energy - What does it mean for the US?"

Iran's nuclear ambitions are currently a major concern for American policy-makers. This paper will attempt to put the issue into its historical, political and strategic context. The views of the US, Iranian and the international community will be examined, as will potential implications of a nuclear Iran for the US and greater Middle East. Policy options and a recommendation for US policy going forward are also covered.

"2. One sentence about the issue/problem you are discussing."

Iranian development of nuclear energy is a serious foreign policy challenge to the US and its allies because of its implications for the balance of power in the Persian Gulf and its potential impact on the economy and security of the US and its allies.

This seems to be your professor asking you why you are choosing this topic. Why is it important to you?

"3. Beliefs, opinion, and details about your topic of which you are not yet sure of and
which will need to be confirmed. A good way to tackle this is to list the points of
view of some experts on your topic."

Some expert opinion (American and international think tanks are good resources. Brookings is considered more politically Left and Heritage more Right. CSIS is probably the most truly non-partisan of the American think tanks The Council on Foreign Relations is also good.):

London's Institute for Strategic Studies:

Last week a respected think-tank, the International Institute for Strategic Studies, said Iran was likely two to three years from having the capacity to build a nuclear weapon....

Kenneth Pollack, of The Brookings Institution on Iran:

. What are the consequences for America if Iran successfully develops nuclear weapons? How close are the Iranians to doing so?

We really don't know just how close Iran is to acquiring the capability to produce a nuclear weapon, and that is part of the alarm. They are certainly a lot closer than most people believed even five years ago. However, the latest information from the UN watchdog agency indicates that it is not an imminent development?at least three years and probably more like 5-10 seems to be the consensus estimate of most experts.

2. Our intelligence about the internal situation in Iraq was so deeply flawed. How can we be sure of anything we're told about the ...

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