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Mathematics - Algebra - Linear Equations

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Please help with the following linear algebra problem.

It has been found that the percent of males in the workforce is constantly decreasing while the percentage of females is constantly increasing. The function
m(t)= -.25t+85.4 where t= number of years since 1955, can be used to estimate the percent of males in the workforce, and the function w(t) =0.52t+35.7 can be used to determine the percentage of women in the workforce.

If the trend continues, determine when the percent of women in the workforce will equal the percent of men. (Provide a graph showing the linear trends and the breakeven point).

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This solution helps with a mathematics and algebra equation problem. A Complete, Neat and Step-by-step Solution along with Graph is provided in the attached file.

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It has been found that the percent of males in the workforce is constantly decreasing while the percentage of females is constantly increasing. The function
m(t)= -.25t+85.4 where t= number of years since 1955, can be used to estimate the percent of mailes in the workforce, and the function w(t) =0.52t+35.7 can be used to ...

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