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equation of ellipse

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Among the professionals you have interviewed for your article, were several state and federal government spokespersons who use linear equations in a variety of ways.

An employee of the National Parks Service told you about a location in Washington, DC. It is a large grassy area south of the White House known as the Ellipse. The National Tree Lighting Ceremony is held annually on the Ellipse. Because the President officiates at this event, the Secret Service makes calculations which they use in planning security.
The Ellipse is actually an ellipse with major axis of length 1048 ft. and minor axis of length 898 ft. Assuming that a coordinate system is superimposed on the area in such a way that the center is at the origin and the major and minor axes are on the x- and y- axes of the coordinate system, respectively, find an equation of the ellipse.

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Solution Summary

The solution explains how to find the equation of an ellipse in detail.

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