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Functions and Graphs : Heart Disease, Cancer and AIDS - Trends and Real World Implications

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I am presenting this information as a speaker to present statistical information at a conference.

To prepare, this information is important:

Finding the number of deaths in the United States due to each of the following medical conditions in each of these years; 1985, 1990, 1995, and 2002.:

Heart disease

Plot the data for each disease as points in a rectangular coordinate system.
Using a smooth line, connect the data points for each disease graph.
Using each curve, make a reasonable prediction as to the number of deaths we might expect in 2005 due to each of these medical conditions.

In addition, I must include responses to these questions with my submission.

1) Can the graphs constructed be classified as functions? Explain.

2) Why is it reasonable that negative numbers are excluded from both the domain and the range of each of the disease graphs? What would the real-world
implications be if these numbers were actually part of the domain and/or range?

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Solution Summary

Functions and Graphs are discussed with regard to Heart Disease, Cancer and AIDS. Trends and Real World Implications are investigated. This is a "point you in the right direction" type of solution.

Solution Preview

If you go to the National Center for Health Statistics at http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/Default.htm, you should be able to find the relevant material. Under the Top Ten Links, go to the Deaths/Mortality link, and from there to the "Tabulated Data" section. Once you download the files, you can search for the relevant conditions. For heart diseases search the term "Diseases of Heart."

Some of these files are really huge, but they do contain very specific detailed numbers. For example, on page 373 of document entitled "gmwk290a.pdf", you will find that in 1995, ...

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