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1. Simplify.





2. Simplify. Assume x represents a positive number.

3. Evaluate , if possible.

A) 8
B) 4
C) 2
D) Not a real number

4. Simplify.

5. The base of a ladder is 8 feet away from the wall. The top of the ladder is 13 feet from the floor. Find the length of the ladder to the nearest thousandth.
A) 15.264 feet
B) 13.132 feet
C) 17.565 feet
D) 14.243 feet

6. Find the length x. Express your answer in simplified radical form.

A) 18 ft
B) 24 ft
C) 10 ft
D) 68 ft

7. Simplify. Assume x represents a positive number.

8. Simplify.

A) 5


D) 3

9. Simplify.

10. Determine whether is rational or irrational.

A) Rational
B) Irrational

11. Solve.

A) 26
B) 6
C) 0
D) No solution

12. Solve.

13. Simplify.

14. Simplify.

15. Simplify.




D) Cannot be simplified

16. Find the distance between (7, 0) and (-4, 0).
A) 3
B) 11

D) 14

17. Determine whether is rational or irrational.

A) Rational
B) Irrational

18. Simplify.




D) Cannot be simplified

19. Simplify.

20. Evaluate , if possible.

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Solution Summary

Twenty problems involving the simplifying of radical expressions and solving radical equations are solved.

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