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Find and interpret (R-C) (20,000), (R-C) (30,000), and (R-C) (40,000)

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Hi--we are currently working on composite functions. I am having difficulty getting started with this problem.

A company that sells radios has a yearly fixed cost of $600,000. It costs the company $45 to produce each radio. Each radio will sell for $65. The company's costs and revenue are modeled by the following functions:
C(x)= 600,000 + 45x
R(x)= 65x

Find and interpret (R-C) (20,000), (R-C) (30,000), and (R-C) (40,000)

The book doesn't give good examples. I want to use the equation of
(f o g) (x)= f (g(x) ). Would this be correct? Once I have an idea, I'm sure I can figure it out but how would I set the problem up? Am I also finding (g o f)(x)? I just don't know. Hope you can help me. Thank you.

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This solution is comprised of a detailed explanation to find and interpret (R-C) (20,000), (R-C) (30,000), and (R-C) (40,000).

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Ok, what we want here is not actually composite function in the sense of (f o g) or (g o f). Here we have the case of subtracting two functions. In general given f(x) and g(x), we define:

(f-g)(x)= f(x)- g(x)

Ok, so we have the same thing here:

R(x)=65x, C(x)= 600000+ 45x, so

(R- ...

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