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Evaluate the exponential equation

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1. Evaluate the exponential equation for three positive values of x, three negative values of x, and at x=0. Transform the second expression into the equivalent logarithmic equation; and evaluate the logarithmic equation for three values of x that are greater than 1, three values of x that are between 0 and 1, and at x=1. Use the resulting ordered pairs to plot the graph of each function and show your work.

Y= 4^-x , x= 4^-x

2. Solve the problem.

Use the formula L = 10.log I/IO∙ where the loudness of a sound in decibels is determined by I, the number of watts per square meter produced by the sound wave, and I0 = 10^-12 W/m^2,.What is the intensity of a noise measured at 80 dB?

3. Evaluate the exponential function for three positive values of x, three negative values of x, and at x=0. Show your work. Use the resulting ordered pairs to plot the graph and show your work. State the domain and the range of the function.

f(x) = e^-x - 1

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