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Algebra problems

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1. Write the following phrase using symbols. 4 times the sum of m and q

2. An arithmetic student needs an average of 70 or more to receive credit for the course. She scored 82, 80, and 87 on the first three exams. Write an inequality representing the score she must get on the last test to receive credit for the course.

3. Simplify using positive exponents(-3x) -2

4. The sum of an integer and its square is12. Find the number.

5. Elaine was charged $195 interest for 1 month on a $1000 credit card balance. What was the monthly interest rate

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This is a collection of problems regarding inequalities, exponents, and integers.

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1. 4(m + q)

2. score > 4*70 - 82 - 80 - 87

3. (-3x)^-2 = ...

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