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Algebra - Construct an Equation and Graph it

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One way rental of yellow truck company of a 15ft truck at $45 per day and .37 cents per mile for every mile driven over 500. Round trip for same truck is $30 per day and .10 cents per mile driven over 250. Gray truck companu rents a 14ft truck at $40 per day, .18 cents per mile ove 300. Round trip for same truck is $20 per day and .10 cents per mile. For each company construct an equation that expresses the relationship between the income earned and the miles traveled for a round trip. Graph separatley both of the equations in part 1. graph y=mx+b
For each company construct an equation that represents the mileage driven verses the earned income for a one way trip. graph each equation

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Solution Summary

The expert constructs an equation and graphs it. A complete, neat and step-by-step solution is provided. Graphs are attached.

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