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Restorative Justice Model

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1. Restorative justice may be the model that best serves alternative sanctions. How can this essentially humanistic approach be sold to the general public that now supports more punitive sanctions? For example, would it be reasonable to expect that using restorative justice with nonviolent offenders frees up resources for the relatively few dangerous people in the criminal population? Explain.

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Referring to the restorative justice model that best serves alternative sanctions, this solution thoroughly addresses the critical thinking question. Supplemented with two highly informative articles on restorative justice techniques and the need for community involvement.

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Please see response attached, which is also presented below. I also attached two highly informative articles on the types and benefits of restorative justice and community involvement as alternatives to punitive sanctions. I hope this helps and take care.


Critical Thinking Question: Restorative justice may be the model that best serves alternative sanctions. How can this essentially humanistic approach be sold to the general public that now supports more punitive sanctions? For example, would it be reasonable to expect that using restorative justice with nonviolent offenders frees up resources for the relatively few dangerous people in the criminal population? Explain.

One way to persuade the public would be to argue and present the advantages and societal benefits of restorative programs over the punitive model. In fact, both aboriginal and non-aboriginal communities have become dissatisfied with the current justice system because they feel that it is not addressing the needs of victims and community members. It is with hope that the restorative justice will address these needs better that they try to implement a new justice model.

A. Social benefits of victim-offender mediation:

1. Victims' needs are more comprehensively served, including the need to be consulted
2. Victim and offender are able to see each other as persons rather than stereotypes (a learning ...

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