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Restorative Justice, Juveniles and Biases in Sentencing

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1. What correctional policies can be created from the principles of restorative justice (based on indigenous justice principles)? Are these values more compatible with some offenses than others? More appropriate for some types of offenders than others?

2. Can you explain why juveniles of color have higher rates of contact with the police than white youths? Support your answer with evidence.

3. Although studies reveal that African American, Hispanic, and Native American youth are treated more harshly than white youth at several stages of the juvenile justice process (even after the seriousness of the offense and the offender's prior juvenile record are taken into consideration), they do not tell us why these disparities occur. Support your reasoning with evidence.

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Solution Summary

By responding to the questions, this solution discusses restorative justice principles and who it applies to. It also discusses biases in sentencing e.g. more minorities sentenced for longer periods.

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