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Affirmative Action

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I would like to know the elements of affirmative action as it applies to public and private sectors and the interaction with the Title VII requirements of equal employment opportunity. For example, what employers are subject to affirmative action, what those plans require the employer to do, and what happens if the employer doesn't meet the plan. I realize that AA is made to help repair discrimination against previously discriminated groups but would like a broader understanding.

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This solution discusses elements of affirmative action as it applies to public and private sectors and the interaction with the Title VII requirements of equal employment opportunity e.g., what employers need to do, what happens if they do not meet the requirements, etc. Supplemented with four articles on the controversial nature of Affirmative Action presenting the two sides of the argument, and a list of legal milestones and extra resources to consider.

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Interesting debate! Let's take a closer look at the broader understanding of Affirmative Action. I also attached four articles on the controversial nature of Affirmative Action presenting the two sides of the argument, and a list of legal milestones and extra resources to consider. Different countries and states have different regulations and laws regarding Affirmative Action, so this needs to be considered, which is discussed further below.


1. I would like to know the elements of affirmative action as it applies to public and private sectors and the interaction with the Title VII requirements of equal employment opportunity. For example what employers are subject to affirmative action, what those plans require the employer to do, and what happens if the employer doesn't meet the plan. I realize that AA is made to help repair discrimination against previously discriminated groups but would like a broader understanding.

Although one reason for AA was a way to help repair discrimination against previously discriminated group, there is more to it. Affirmative action (AA) is also necessary to prevent discrimination in the workplace (and universities) and to address stereotypical thinking and biases that still impede employment opportunity. However, AA is probably the most misunderstood civil rights issue of our time. Opponents believe that it is misguided social engineering that uses quotas and preferences to replace qualified white males with unqualified Ethnic minorities and women (see both sides of the argument in the attached articles).

In reality, AA is a tool to promote diversity and remedy inequities in the workplace, higher education, and government contracting. AA clearly helps African, Hispanic (Latino), and Asian Americans, for example (http://www.ethnicmajority.com/affirmative_action.htm).Affirmative Action Plan usually covers three areas:

· Everything to do with the development of equal opportunity plans
· To describe specific AA strategies -that is - special strategies that provide special help for groups that have been ...

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