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HIPPA compliance and examples

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Identify the federal law that governs Protected Health Information (PHI) and briefly discuss the elements of compliance.

Describe two specific examples of improper privacy disclosure and discuss the challenges of maintaining strict confidentiality in a medical office setting

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This solution covers the basics of HIPPA compliance as it relates to clinicians. It gives examples of compliance issues and patient frustrations.

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The federal law is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA). It was enacted in 1996. It basically says that people in the healthcare field who have access to patients' information may only use that information if it's necessary for their job.

Doctors and nurses should only be looking at patients' information if they are caring for the patient. The people at the front desk should only be looking at things like addresses and insurance coverage information. Records that are sent to insurance companies or other doctors' offices should only ...

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