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Mission, Vision and Values statements as related to strategic planning.

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Can you please provide an example of a well defined health care mission and vision? Why is it important to have a well defined mission and vision in relation to strategic planning?

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This 250 word solution explains why it is important to have well defined mission, vision and values statements for a healthcare organization and how these statements relate to strategic planning. Additionally the solution provides examples of well-formed statements. Included with this response includes a reference for further investigation into the topic and potential citation chaining for assignments.

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Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is an integral part of guiding an organization toward a specific goal (Bryson, 1984). Strategic plans are constructed upon an organization's Mission Statement (why we are here/what we do), Vision Statement (what we want to be) and values statement (what we believe). As an example, theoretical healthcare organization of "Neighborhood Community Health Center:

Our Mission: ...

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