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The Jilting of Granny Weatherall

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The Jilting of Granny Weatherall is explicated.

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Your instructor's directions, as they are written on the attachment, are rather general. It simply says to list five "items" from the text. I am going to assume that this means five important passages from the text, ones that give the reader important information about Granny's character and her past (through her memories/hallucinations). Here are some meaningful passages you may want to choose from to cite, with a brief explanation of their significance. Starting from the beginning of the text and working through it:

1. "Tomorrow was far away and there was nothing to trouble about. Things were finished somehow when the time came; thank God there was always a little margin over for peace . . . ." (The "time" in this passage is now, when Granny's life is the "finished thing.")

2. " . . . A person could spread out the plan of life and tuck in the edges orderly. It was good to have everything clean and folded away . . . ." (We see that Granny has lived a difficult life that she has tried to bring order to.)

3. "The box in the attic with all those letters tied up, well, she'd have to go through that tomorrow. All those letters - George's letters and John's letters and her letters to them both - lying around for the children to find afterwards made her uneasy. Yes, that would be tomorrow's business. No use to let them know how silly she had been once." (This narrative thought introduces the back-story of Granny's first fiance George--the one who "jilted" her, that is, ran away from marrying her--and her eventual husband John.)

4. "While she was rummaging around she found death in her mind and it felt ...

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