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Which of the statements in the following lists support the thesis. Label each statement as acceptable, irrelevant, inaccurate or too general.

Thesis: Colleges should put less emphasis on sports.
a. high powered athletic programs can encourage grade fixing.
b. too much value is attached to college sports
c. athletics have no educational value
d. competitive athletics can lead to extensive and expensive injuries
e. athletes can spend too much time on the field and not enough on their studies.
f. good athletic programs create a strong following among former undergraduates.

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Evaluate supporting details given a thesis.

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Thesis: Colleges should put less emphasis on sports.
a. high powered athletic programs can encourage grade fixing--acceptable: it gives a solid reason why less emphasis
should be put on sports
b. too much value is attached to college sports--too general: what kind of value? It needs more explanation ...

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