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Quotes and outline for eventual analytical essay

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1. Create an outline for the essay you will write. Start with the thesis statement you wrote for the analytical essay that will discuss the effects of your rewritten ending.
2. Write the thesis (revised as necessary) at the top of the outline.
3. Write the topic sentence for each main point that you plan to use to support the thesis.
4. under each main point, list the supporting evidence--in the form of a quote, paraphrase, or summary from the original story or your new ending--you plan to use to support your points.
5. Include MLA in-text citations with your quotes. For example, if your name is Traviata Sanchez, cite quotes from your own rewritten ending as:
(Sanchez 2) if your word processor document has pages, or
(Sanchez, par. 10) if your cut-and-pasted rewrite has no clear page numbers and requires citation by paragraph.
6. Include a Works Cited entry for Braverman. Include a Works Cited entry for yourself like this:
Sanchez, Traviata. "Pagan Night" Rewrite. [date posted--put the date in MLA format and remove brackets]

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Solution Summary

Solution analyzes the rewritten ending to Kate Braverman's Pagan Night short story, pulling quotes to address the major changes in story plot, theme and setting that occur with the character change of the new ending. This outline forms the basis of the analytical essay on the effects of the change written into the new, alternate ending to the story.

Solution Preview

The attached solution document preserves formatting, and includes the other parts that preceeded this portion of the assignment.

This below is the outline for the essay you will eventually write about your new ending to the story. There are three main ideas, each with a selection of supporting excerpts, or quotes from both Braverman's story and the new ending. Discuss each main point separately. Include an introduction paragraph, and put the thesis statement in it. Last, include a conclusion paragraph. PROOFREAD the final essay to catch and correct errors you might have made.


Thesis Statement: Changing the story by killing off Dalton, one of the principal characters, by having him commit suicide through heroin overdose, set the protagonist Sunny free in three key ways: plot, setting and theme, each affecting the eventual outcome of the story: first, freeing her from Dalton's spoken and unspoken demands (theme), second, freeing her from her present precarious location (setting), and third, freeing her to finally claim and name her son (plot conflict).

I. Removing Dalton altered the theme, allowing Sunny to be free of his demands ...

Solution provided by:
  • BFA, University of Georgia
  • BSEd, University of Georgia
  • MED, University of Georgia
  • EDd (IP), Northcentral University
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