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Emily Dickinson

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This essay has us performing some research into the author's lives and how the way they lived influenced their writing.

In the essay, discuss how the author used style as a means to convey their messages about faith and doubt. Remember style refers to the words and sentence structure that an author uses to present material. Also, do not summarize the story; analysis it. Look for patterns in the writing, and react to the patterns and to the whole work. Research the author's life and reflect how this influenced his or her writing.
Be sure that the essay includes the following:

1. A thesis, a title, a Works Cited page, and an effective introduction and conclusion
2. Using MLA format, integrate at least 2 - 4 outside sources both within the text and in a Works Cited page. Remember outside sources mean scholarly research on the author and the story. Do Not use Wikipedia. hide problem

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Emily Dickinson is probably one of the greatest American poets of the 19th century. Believe it or not, but she wrote over 1700 poems during her lifetime! And the strange thing about it is that she wrote them for herself. Practically none of them were published during her lifetime. In one sense, she was a "poet nobody" during her lifetime. She became famous only after her death.

She kept to a simple home life in Massachusetts. It appears that her poems reflect an inner joy to satisfy her soul. She wrote because she wanted to. Much like a 19th century lady would crochet or knit, Emily Dickinson wrote poems.


"I Never Saw a Moor" is a simple poem elegantly written explaining the logic in her confident believe in G-d. She uses a type of logical syllogism that many people would easily understand. The first part of the poem is used as a starting point for her real point. She's really not that interested in a moor or an ocean, but rather in using the ideas contained therein to expound her simple belief in the Creator of the heaven and earth. And, in fact, her argument is quite captivating, isn't it? Many people believe in things they have not seen. This is common to all of us. Many people would not deny the reality of an ocean wave just because they hadn't seen it. Neither did she. And she uses this logic to explain why she believes in a G-d who lives in heaven. She has the same kind of evidence. She has read about oceans and waves in books. Equally, she has read about the Creator in books too -- the Bible. And so, she believes. Hers is a simplistic and elegant belief, not overly ...

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