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Security: preparing for the unexpected

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Q1: How can experienced security professionals prepare themselves for challenges and opportunities that they have never encountered before? Why is it important for a security professional to know the particular target environment to which they are assigned extremely well? Do you think it is possible that experience with one type of environment can actually be a drawback for security professionals approaching another type of environment for the first time? Explain.

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Discussion of how to prepare for the unexpected, and how esperience in one security target area can hinder performance or preparation in another area. Discussion of experience in varied security situations, and how to prepare for unaccustomed scenarios.

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Q1: How can experienced security professionals prepare themselves for challenges and opportunities that they have never encountered before? One way is networking with other companies who have established a reputation for excellence in handling that specific sort of situation. Some companies, especially the security professional associations, offer training courses from these excellent professionals to help others learn what is best practice in specific situations. These seminars and courses are available at the yearly conferences hosted by these organizations, and sometimes their training is available at other times and places, as well. Generally this training is at a cost, since professionals are sharing very financially important information in these ...

Solution provided by:
  • BFA, University of Georgia
  • BSEd, University of Georgia
  • MED, University of Georgia
  • EDd (IP), Northcentral University
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