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Formative and Summative Assessments

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1. How can traditional and authentic assessment methods be used for diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment?

2. Compare and contrast formative and summative assessments as used in mathematics and science instruction.

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This compares formative and summative assessments.

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1. How can traditional and authentic assessment methods be used for diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment?

Traditional assessments used for diagnostic assessments are common. Many teachers give a pre-test or non-graded quiz at the beginning of a unit, to see where students are at.. Authentic assessments used as diagnostics are very situation-based - the student is given a real-life problem or situation, and asked to explore ways to solve it. For example, an elementary school student could be given a plate of 24 blocks and asked to share between 6 classmates, to see how they approach the idea of division.

Traditional assessments as formative assessments include pop quizzes, practice tests, oral reports, and writing samples. These are assessments that look like the summative assessment, but give the student an idea of what is expected on the "real" test, and also allow for the teacher to ...

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