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Research hypotheses

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There are some educators among us that oppose to inclusion emphatically.
My instructor say thisis biased/commentary. I need help rewriting it so it is not biased. As you can guess my paper is on inclusion of autistic students.

Second: I need help rewritng my hypothesis and null hypothesis.
my hypothesis is : Autistic children in general education classroom receive an advantage from inclusion and mainstreaming in the public school system. Autistic children in general education classroom also benefit from pull-out options currently being offered in the public school system.

Null hypothesis: Autistic students show no substantial difference in knowledge retention between general education and special education classes. Therefore, the autistic students do stand to gain from mainstreaming and inclusion.

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An edited version of the research hypotheses.

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"I think/or/believe that educators vary in their attitude towards the idea of inclusion of autistic students; others agree with it, others oppose it." - ( if this is just your opinion)

According to..."Educators vary in their attitude towards the idea of inclusion of ...

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