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In risky election-year move, Republicans offer Medicare ...

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What do you think of this new proposal?

In risky election-year move, Republicans offer Medicare alternatives
By Tom Curry, msnbc.com National Affairs Writer


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This solution provides a detailed discussion and understanding to the article, In risky election-year move, Republicans offer Medicare alternatives
By Tom Curry, msnbc.com National Affairs Writer.

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It's all well and good, but they can argue until they all turn blue about what caused the problem but it's doing nothing to solve the problem. Under the new plan, we're not really solving the problem, we're only finding a way to counteract the effects of the problem. This plan is basically saying that because we're spending so much on medicare, we'll raise the qualifying age over the next decade or so by five years -- so we're waiting until people are older, and in doing so, we don't have to ...

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