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firm revenue, gross profit margin, operating profit margin, and strategies

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You and the senior officers of your team?the heads of each of the 3 divisions?are preparing for the next Board meeting and have decided that you need to present an analysis of the largest companies in the consumer products business. To do this, you will prepare a deck (presentation) with notes that describes the current state of the consumer products business. This will require you to analyze Procter and Gamble, Unilever, Colgate and Gillette. Go to the small group discussion board and divide the companies?one per group member. Each group member will be responsible to submit the following individual piece to the Small Group Drop Box for their specific company so the group leader can compile them into one unified presentation for the meeting.

Company chose Unilever.
1. firm revenue,gross profit margin, operating profit margin, company strategies. Has industry consolidation impact the company? Make projections about the long term prospects for the company

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Depict firm revenue, gross profit margin, operating profit margin, and strategies of each firm.

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You and the senior officers of your team?the heads of each of the 3 divisions?are preparing for the next Board meeting and have decided that you need to present an analysis of the largest companies in the consumer products business. To do this, you will prepare a deck (presentation) with notes that describes the current state of the consumer products business. This will require you to analyze Procter and Gamble, Unilever, Colgate and Gillette. Go to the small group discussion board and divide the companies?one per group member. Each group member will be responsible to submit the following individual piece to the Small Group Drop Box for their specific company so the group leader can compile them into one unified presentation for the meeting.

Company chose Unilever.
Firm revenue, gross profit margin, operating profit margin, company strategies. Has industry consolidation impact the company? Make projections about the long term prospects for the company
Unilever [NYSE: UL, UN] is one of the world's largest consumer products companies (Unilever, 2007). Unilever faces external forces such as social trends, industry environment, and economic factors. The company claims to add vitality to life by meeting everyday consumer needs for nutrition, hygiene and personal care products. Globally, consumers make a total of 150 daily decisions to purchase products by Unilever (Unilever, 2007). The company has a portfolio of brands they claim to make people, feel good, look good, and get more out of life (Unilever, 2007 and Solley, 2004). The company adapts to the issues that arise from the external environment and has utilized this as an opportunity for global growth.


Unilever has revenues of $52 billion in 2006 and net income of $6.2 billion. The other important parameters are:

Profit Margin (ttm): 12.35%
Operating Margin (ttm): 14.21%

Management Effectiveness
Return on Assets (ttm): 9.37%
Return on Equity (ttm): 34.38%


Its Profit margin is average.
Industry environment and Strategies ...

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