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A Sample Software Comparison Check List

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A Sample Software Comparison Check List:
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The expert examines a sample software comparison check list.

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A Software Comparison Checklist is somewhat of a visual representation that shows the different features or benefits between versions or products. There are links to webpages of Software Comparison Checklists to help you see what they are and what they are used for.

Continuing on with an explanation, lets discuss the Microsoft Office 2007 Suites. A checklist compares the different versions of the suite such as Mobile, Home and Student, Standard, Small Business, Professional, Professional Plus, and Ultimate (then there is the Enterprise versions but we will not be discussing them). The applications that are part of the MS Office Family are:
* Access 2007
* Accounting 2009
* Communicator 2007
* Excel 2007
* Groove 2007
* InfoPath 2007
* OneNote 2007
* Outlook 2007
* Outlook 2007 with Business Contact Manager
* PowerPoint 2007
* Project 2007
* Publisher 2007
* SharePoint Designer 2007
* Visio 2007
* Word 2007

Now, the average person does not need all of these applications (even Office Ultimate only has most of them). What should they do? They could buy each one ...

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