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Flight attendants work in a seniority system with defined roles including service, giving safety information and leadership in emergency, assisting passengers, cabin preparation, etc. Many at Going are dissatisfied, feeling that best performers are insufficiently rewarded, and that their intellectual capabilities are not utilized. Also, staff scheduling is problematic because flight attendants avoid receiving the scheduling office's calls to fly on holidays, so there is always a shortage of staff at that time.

How would you redesign the job to meet the needs of both company and staff, and how would you change the scheduling system?

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In order to redesign the job of the flight attendant, in order to meet the company's needs, I would have a rotating schedule of holidays that flight attendants work. Although I believe that seniority should be taken into account, each flight attendant should be required to at least work one holiday. If they do not work the holiday, then they do not get their paid leave for the day that they are taking off.

For example, if flight attendant A worked New Years, assuming there are at least 20 flight attendants, for one aircraft ...

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