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Calculate a Shop's Forecast of Demand Using a 3- and 5-Period Moving Average

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Please help with the following problems.

The ABC Floral Shop sold the following number of geraniums during the last 2 weeks:

Day | Demand

1 | 200
2 | 134
3 | 157
4 | 165
5 | 177
6 | 125
7 | 146
8 | 150
9 | 182
10 | 197
11 | 136
12 | 163
13 | 157
14 | 169

Develop a spreadsheet to answer the following questions.

- Calculate a forecast of the above demand using a 3- and 5-period moving average.
- Graph these forecasts and the original data using Excel. What does the graph show?
- Which of the above forecasts is best? Why?

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Solution Summary

This solution helps with various business analysis problems. It helps calculate a forecast on demand using a 3 to 5 period moving average, graph forecasts and original data, and discusses which forecast is best. Detailed explanations are provided.

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Please see the attached spreadsheet and let me know if you have any questions.

To construct an x-day moving average, at each point we average the demand on each of the last x days. For day 15, using the 3-day moving average we ...

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