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strategic plan

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In 350 words, please answer the 3 questions below. OK to include some "real world" experiences and new ideas whenever possible. If applicable, please use citation and references for the sources of material used.

The organization's strategic plan has not been communicated the lower level employees. Hence, how would such communication have improved their organizational effectiveness? Is it important for employees to know the strategic plan of a company? Why or why not?

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The organization's strategic plan has not been communicated the lower level employees. Hence, how would such communication have improved their organizational effectiveness?

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The organization's strategic plan has not been communicated the lower level employees. Hence, how would such communication have improved their organizational effectiveness?

The organization's strategic plan has to be communicated to employees at all levels, including the lower level employees, to secure their cooperation and commitment towards smooth implementation of the plan. As the employees at lower levels will themselves be involved in the execution of the plan, it is imperative that they have a thorough understanding of each element of the plan, ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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