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Strategic Management

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1. Develop a generic, competitive strategy to position your organization in the marketplace.

2. Produce functional strategies for your organization. Marketing (product, place, price, and promotion), human resources, and financial strategies are an essential part of this assignment. Also, include other functional strategies that pertain to your organization. The strategies should be consistent with the grand strategy, meet goals and objectives, and move the organization towards its mission.

3. Describe how the strategies fit strategically and enhance the organization's competitive advantage.

4. Create a five-year time line for implementing the strategies.

5. Draft a budget for your organization estimating the costs and expected revenues from implementing the strategies that you have identified. Use a five-year time horizon.

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Strategic Management is discussed very comprehensively in this explanation..

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The mission of the Organization is to design and build the best commercial buildings in the world.

1. Develop a generic, competitive strategy to position your organization in the marketplace.
A generic competitive strategy for the Organization stemming from its mission statement is to differentiate by designing the most unique buildings, and building the buildings in time and within budget.

2. Produce functional strategies for your organization. Marketing (product, place, price, and promotion), human resources, and financial strategies are an essential part of this assignment. Also, include other functional strategies that pertain to your organization. The strategies should be consistent with the grand strategy, meet goals and objectives, and move the organization towards its mission.

Marketing strategies:

The reputation of the Organization will be enhanced by every project the Organization completes.

Product: Each design will be original, innovative, have high artistic value and will achieve the functional requirements to the fullest. Every building will get the Organization more projects. Every building will position Organization as a unique designer/architect/builder.
Pricing: Premium pricing will support the positioning of the Organization as the most creative builder of commercial buildings.
Promotion: The Organization will use publicity, sales promotions, advertising and ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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  • "Excellent and well explained. --Thank you kindly. "
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