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Kuiper Leda Discussion Questions

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1.) Please identify KLI's internal supply chain customers and describe both what they will require from you so that they can do their jobs, and how you intend to organize yourself so that you will satisfy those needs.

2.) Describe the components that you believe are present and/or absent in the KLI organization as of that date.

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Focuses on identifying Kuiper Leda's internal supply chain customers and what they will require in order to do their jobs. Also discusses how the KLI management team intend to organize themselves to meet those needs. The components that are present and/or absent in the KLI organization as of that date are also discussed

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Question 1
Please identify KLI's internal supply chain customers and describe both what they will require from you so that they can do their jobs, and how you intend to organize yourself so that you will satisfy those needs.

KLI's internal supply chain customer is Midland Motors. Midland Motors is considered a major auto company. In order to operate efficiently, they are in need of ECUs and RFIDs from KLI. In order to provide for this need, KLI will need to become organized. Currently, KLI's manufacturing process flow is thinned and they do not have enough capacity for production. KLI will need to develop and understand their own capacity, considering all bottlenecks. "A bottleneck is defined as any resource whose capacity is less than the demand placed upon it. A bottleneck is a constraint within the system that limits throughput" (Chase et al, 2006). KLI have to find a way to solve this problem in order to satisfy customer needs. KLI will need to decide whether to outsource some of their functions or perform them in ...

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