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I am trying to think of:

1. A project which requires multiple resources.

2. A project which is large enough in scope to apply the project management principles, yet limited enough in scope to be manageable.

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Various suggestions for proposals are given in this solution.

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Ideas for Project Management Proposal

A). Construction of house:

House is a basic necessity for every human being. If the project is relating to construction of a house, there should be clear ideas regarding the budget for the construction and the time limit within which it is to be completed. After taking such decisions proper project team has to be hired who will take care of all the formalities regarding construction of house which may include hiring architects, acquiring raw materials and other supplies, interior designer, etc.

B). Arranging a picnic:


Solution provided by:
  • MBA (IP), International Center for Internationa Business
  • BBA, University of Rajasthan
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