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Project Management;Merging companies

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Case study tell me what you are going to do, unsure what they are asking and how I would go about answering this?
This is a link to the book we are looking at

My recommendation is that the content in the link given above should be read several times. This will put the assignment into a better perspective.
The link was helpful in that it did shed some insight on what the assignment was about.
It is important to note that "Lauren" was in the middle of a merger between two companies and the dilemma of providing a reccommendation to the new CEO as to how she would solve the problem of the current projects that were 40% over the budget. Another aspect of the assignment was how the success would be measured.

There were suggestions provided to the student to consider.
The student was encouraged to use the references given as there are may aspects of the program management area that could have been used in order to answer the question in the assignment. Since there were so many possibilities, it was important to narrow down the most important aspects of the assisgnment.

The references given had other links to other parts of project maangement and the student can click on those for further insight.

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Solution Summary

The student needed help with this assignment in understanding the nature of the problem and what to do about it. The problem was in the project management area and had to do with two companies merging together.
The case study discusses Lauren's (Project Manager) dilemma in that the company has merged and she may or may not have a job. The VP wants to know what Lauren can do to help cut costs on projects that they are currently doing. Currently projects are eating up 40% of expenses. The VP also wanted to know how the success would be measured.

Solution Preview

The student was encouraged to use the references given as there are many different aspects of the Project Management field that could have been used in order to answer the questions in the assignment. Since there were so many possibilities, it was important to narrow down the most important aspects of the assignment. This assignment was geared for the student to provide their own solution as to what "Lauren should do." In other words, the student needed to provide a solution with references that would back up the choices that were decided by them.
The information included a general summary of what I would view as important. It is important to note that the student needed to choose their own course of action.
The references given contained other links to other components that could further assist the student in answering the questions in the assignment. I have learned that Project managers will have issues if all the information is not provided at the time of the projects.
Thank you for reviewing this post.


Project Management
The case study discusses Lauren's dilemma in that the company has merged and she may or may not have a job. The VP wants to know what Lauren can do to help cut costs on projects that they ...

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