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key components of this relationship

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The articles suggests that customer relationship marketing embraces the same dynamics as interpersonal relationships. Think about a meaningful relationship in your life. What are/were the key components of this relationship? Why are/were these factors important to you? Can these components be applied to CRM? How?

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What are/were the key components of this relationship? Why are/were these factors important to you?

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One of the meaningful relation in my life is that with my wife. The main components of this relationship is trust, honesty and true understanding between husband and wife.

These factors are important for me to lead a successful married life and to maintain strong, life-time and understanding and loving relationship with my wife. If mutual trust, honesty and transparency will be lacking in married life, it cannot go for ever as there will be frequent quarrels, ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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