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Nast Inc.: How to calculate the value forgone if a project with higher MIRR is taken up.

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Nast Inc. is considering Projects S and L, whose cash flows are shown below. These projects are mutually exclusive, equally risky, and not repeatable. If the decision is made by choosing the project with the higher MIRR rather than the one with the higher NPV, how much value will be forgone? Note that under some conditions choosing projects on the basis of the MIRR will cause $0.00 value to be lost.

WACC: 9.00%
0 1 2 3 4
CFS -$1,100 $375 $375 $375 $375
CFL -$2,200 $725 $725 $725 $725

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The solution explains how to calculate the value forgone if a project with higher MIRR is taken up.

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