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Wal-Mart Eliminates Middlemen

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Wal-Mart has established regional warehouses that they fill with merchandise that they had purchased directly from manufacturers, cutting out the middlemen. If you, or a client of yours, were a middleman (wholesaler, broker, or agent) what would you do to insure that your business would survive? What advice would you recommend to a company that distributes wholesale?

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The posting discusses the actions of Wal-Mart designed to eliminate middlemen. It also questions the role of middlemen in business.

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Wal-Mart has established regional warehouses that they fill with merchandise that they had purchased directly from manufacturers, cutting out the middlemen. If you, or a client of yours, were a middleman (wholesaler, broker, or agent) what would you do to insure that your business would survive? What advice would you recommend to a company that distributes wholesale?

If I were a middleman, I would take several steps to insure that my business will survive. First, I will ensure that through my services the buyer can have access to a far larger number of suppliers that what he ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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