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Costs and savings of a videoconferencing system

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I have been hired as a telecommunications consultant to help an organiztion assess the benefits and potential cost savings associated with installing videoconferencing systems at each of the firms's six locations. I have determined that the cost to establish each video conference facitlity is $60,000 and that each facility will have an annual operating and support cost of $20,000. In the first year, I estimate that videoconferencing will save the entire firm approximately $400,000 in travel expenses. The savings are expected to increase at a rate of 5% per year.

I need assistance in developing a spreadsheet to analyze the costs and savings over a three year period.

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Costs and savings of a videoconferencing system is determined.

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Initial Set Up Cost per Location $(60,000.00)
Annual operating cost / location ...

Solution provided by:
  • BE, Bangalore University, India
  • MS, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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