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Cost and Revenue Variances for Spiele Inc

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Spiele Inc. manufactures and sells various software packages - Games, Business
Applications and Creative Suites. Budget and actual information for the period are
presented in the table.
Budget Actual
Sales Units Unit Price Units Total Sales
Games 17,500 $75 20,000 $1,540,000
Business Applications 10,000 $135 12,000 $550,000
Creative Suites 3,500 $155 3,000 $495,000

Variable cost per unit, regardless of product = $45.00

Based on this information what is the total sales mix variance for the period? Use four decimal places for all sales mix percentages.

a. $ 204 U
b. $ 29,714 U
c. $ 33,530 U
d. $200,000 U
e. $233,548 U

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The expert examines cost and revenue variance for Spiele Inc.

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Sales Mix Variance

(Act Vol - ((Bud Vol/Tot Bud Vol) * Tot Act Vol)) * Budgeted contribution per unit

Avtual ...

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