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To be the leader company , there are many factors combine to

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To be the leader company , there are many factors combine to become sucess
Teamwork is the one factor that help the company to be competitive advantage than other. The leader should tell the the subordinate about the statement , vision or goal of company. How to get or accomplish them. Try to make environment in workplace is freedom to speak and open-mind. It make everyone fill free to speak and express the idea. Teamwork is the important factor that persuade everyone to get the final goal.
According to environment change the leader should understand
and can be adjust or flexible to them. To make understanding among the team
should do it.
Training program is the important as well. To update something new for changing thing that happened

How does a leader engage others in preparation of a change?

Some of the things to keep a business competitive and moving their organization forward is as follows:
Keeping the vision first and foremost in the minds of everyone that is part of the organization.
Use the top down stratgey which encompasses everyone but management has to understand first and helps others to understand any changes within the company.
Be open to change and adjustment for the betterment of the organization.
A leader must also do their homework by being associated with social networks which can give a feel of changes or concerns that other organizations may have encounterd or resolutions.
Engage everyone in future collection of information, planning, evaluation and development.
Always keep in mind that an organization isn't run by one individual but by a team of inidividuals to accomplish the end result.

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Solution Summary

To be the leader company , there are many factors combine to become sucess
Teamwork is the one factor that help the company to be competitive advantage than other. The leader should tell the the subordinate about the statement , vision or goal of company. How to get or accomplish them. Try to make environment in workplace is freedom to speak and open-mind. It make everyone fill free to speak and express the idea. Teamwork is the important factor that persuade everyone to get the final goal.
According to environment change the leader should understand
and can be adjust or flexible to them. To make understanding among the team
should do it.
Training program is the important as well. To update something new for changing thing that happened

How does a leader engage others in preparation of a change?

Some of the things to keep a business competitive and moving their organization forward is as follows:
Keeping the vision first and foremost in the minds of everyone that is part of the organization.
Use the top down stratgey which encompasses everyone but management has to understand first and helps others to understand any changes within the company.
Be open to change and adjustment for the betterment of the organization.
A leader must also do their homework by being associated with social networks which can give a feel of changes or concerns that other organizations may have encounterd or resolutions.
Engage everyone in future collection of information, planning, evaluation and development.
Always keep in mind that an organization isn't run by one individual but by a team of inidividuals to accomplish the end result.

Solution Preview

To be the leader company , there are many factors combine to become sucess
Teamwork is the one factor that help the company to be competitive advantage than other. The leader should tell the the subordinate about the statement , vision or goal of company. How to get or accomplish them. Try to make environment in workplace is freedom to speak and open-mind. It make everyone fill free to speak and express the idea. Teamwork is the important factor that persuade everyone to get the final goal.
Comment: The above statement is true. By keeping the channels of communication open, leaders are able to create a productive, efficient environment for all employees, which adds to the productivity of the team, and of the organization, as a whole.

According to environment change the ...

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