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Organizational Culture and Success

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How much influence do you think a department's or organization's culture has on its overall success? Defend your response with specific examples.
Describe your dream organization and its organizational structure. How did you come to this conclusion?

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This 347 word solution provides an introduction to organizational culture and its impact on the success of the business. Including a description of the ideal organizational culture and some real-world examples of businesses that have succeeded in producing such cultures.

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An organization's culture is very important to its overall success because culture can be the primary enabler or obstacle for change. A positive culture keeps employees satisfied as they feel challenged, respected, valued, and understood. The working atmosphere is pleasant and individuals keep an opened mind. People have an understanding of business ethics and are not afraid to speak up when they see something wrong. Employees and associates are not afraid to take calculated risks, the culture resembles that of a "learning organization". ...

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