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PowerPoint Presentation on Team Motivation and Reward

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I need some suggestions for slides. I need each slide to one cited reference per slide proper APA reference, and each slide has to have a minimum of two paragraphs for speaker notes.

Assume your organization has developed a team to look at process innovation across the entire company. The team is highly diverse and cross-functional. The team has six individuals. Develop an incentive plan that will reward and motivate both the team, as well as each individual in the team. Address motivators, team vs. individual incentives, and measurements of success to determine when incentives will be given.

Slide 1. How plan will motivate and reward team
Slide 2. How plan will motivate and reward individuals

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Solution Summary

This brief solution is a PowerPoint slide presentation on employee motivation and reward, including speaker notes and refrences.

Solution provided by:
  • BA, Brooklyn College
  • MBA/HCM, Phoenix University
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